Advocacy Program At Kelki H.S.S

BJTF team led by executive director successfully conducted its advocacy and awareness program for the students of Kelki Higher Secondary School. The BJTF team was accompanied by Mr. Vijay Gurung  (Lecturer at RTC, CEO of idruksolutions and a founding member of the Bhutan Entrepreneur Association)

Executive Director through presentation highlighted on the importance of skilled jobs and the advantages of learning a trade rather than solely focusing on formal academic qualifications in the 21st century. Executive Director also reiterated some excerpts from His Majesty’s address at the 12th and 14th RUB convocation. The program also enriched the students with the latest labor market trend which will be a guidance for the students while selecting their future career paths.

“Find your passion, something which drives you forward and work hard towards achieving your dreams”

-Vijay Gurung

Mr. Vijay Gurung motivated and encouraged the students to find a purpose and meaning in life. He also shared his inspirational journey as an entrepreneur with the students. He stressed on the value of the five C’s in that life that one must inculcate. i.e consciousness, compassionate, consistent, character & content.



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