News & Media | Organization for Youth Empowerment - Part 4

Excerpts on visit by the Member Secretary, CSOA

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Annual Student Research Meet 2022- College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa, Punakha

Annual Student Research Meet on” Exploration & Conservation of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development ” was organized by the Centre for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture, College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan The eight (8) selected final year students (BSc & MSc) presented their research findings, experience, challenges and recommendations. The research

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Scouts Youth undergoing Leadership Training at Paro

Executive Director shared the mandates of the OYE with the 14th Batch of  Scouts undergoing Leadership Training comprising of Class XII graduates at the National Scouts Centre, Paro. 91 Participants from 20 Dzongkhags & 4 Thromde were gathered at the Centre for a week’s program. During the feedback session, the participants suggested that OYE should

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SAF Alumni Meet


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Meeting with Scholars at Lobesa

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Congratulations Gup Kencho of Genekha Gewog

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The Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE), a registered civil Society Organization is in the process of collection information on the number of Entrepreneurs who are not in a position to set up their own business after having attended the Entrepreneurial Training Programs conducted by various organizations/ agencies. In order to assist OYE to come up

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South Asia Foundation Alumni Network Meet

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Letter of Appreciation

The Country Director, HELVETAS, Bhutan handed over a letter of appreciation to the Executive Director, OYE for supporting the common interests of the civil Society Organizations(CSOs) during his tenure as the Executive Member of the Bhutan Civil Society Network from 2020 to 2021. It is also to appreciate the passion to promote civil society as

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