| Organization for Youth Empowerment

From right: Ms. Nyema Zam (Founder/CEO, SAMUH), Mr. Nima Gyeltshen (ED, OYE), Ms. Deki Yangden (PO,OYE)

The Executive Director and Program Officer visited the office of the SAMUH on 9th July 2024 and met with Ms. Nyema Zam, the Founder & CEO of SAMUH. They discussed issues ranging from youth-related problems prevailing in the country and how both organizations can collaborate and develop interventional creative programs to benefit the youth and keep them meaningfully engaged. The SAMUH founder shared her experiences and obstacles in shaping and bringing SAMUH to the present stage. She was optimistic that working closely with OYE would have a positive bearing on both organizations and aspired to work with OYE in promoting youth issues by creating platforms.